Thursday, November 21, 2013

roman time line

Roman Timelines

Rome was founed in 753B.C.

unification of Italy: 343B.C.

343-341B.C. started the Samnite war:
Romans lead latin
Romans were friends the latin copua (city) Romans for back up to defeat Samnites.
340-339B.C. began latin war
latins were friends with Romans latin werent trying to get revenge on Samnites. latin didn't follow Roman rules. that started the latin war.
326-304B.C. second Samnites war
Samnites was trying to get revenge on the Romans and they got allies to beat the Romans but the Romans still defeats the Samnites.
298-290B.C. third Samnites war
264-146 B.C. the punic wars 
73-71- B.C. Spartacus' slave revolt 
Spartacus was a Thracian gladiator and a solider and he become a slave.  
He defeated Roman forces over half a dozen times, he marching his people up and down the Italian peninsula until he was killed in battle in April 71 B.C.who led a slave revolt with an army numbering in the tens of thousands. It happened in capua. 
100-44B.C. julius caesar 
he increases the jobs ing the city by makeing the slave get jobs.
Marcus aurelius 121-180 A.D.
Rules 19 years. genius. addicted to opium and study philosophy.
trajan Decius 249-261 A.D 
trajan Decius was a roman emperor. He commanded legion 
56-50 A.D many romans believe he started the great fire of rome. He burned christians in his yard. He killed him self

marcus arelius

Marcus Aurelius April 26, 121 AD-March 17, 180 AD
Natural causes

He ruled for 19 years

He was a genius he studied philosophy and was a very serious person.

One creepy part of his life was his addiction to opium.

His death is unkown for certain but it may be do to his opium addiction or his constant sickness.

Tuesday, November 12, 2013


  1. WHO was Spartacus? he was a Thrace gladiator  he was a slave
  2. WHAT did he do? Started  a slave revolving againts  the romans 
  3. WHY did he do it? To be free  
  4. WHEN did it happen? 71 BC
  5. WHERE did it happen? Capua 
  6. HOW did it end? his army was defeated and he became a hero for what he did