Roman Timelines
Rome was founed in 753B.C.
unification of Italy: 343B.C.
343-341B.C. started the Samnite war:
Romans lead latin
Romans were friends the latin copua (city) Romans
for back up to defeat Samnites.
340-339B.C. began latin war
latins were friends with Romans latin werent trying
to get revenge on Samnites. latin didn't follow Roman rules. that started the
latin war.
326-304B.C. second Samnites war
Samnites was trying to get revenge on the Romans
and they got allies to beat the Romans but the Romans still defeats the
298-290B.C. third Samnites war
264-146 B.C. the punic wars
73-71- B.C. Spartacus' slave revolt
Spartacus was a Thracian gladiator and
a solider and he become a slave.
He defeated Roman forces over half a dozen times,
he marching his people up and down the Italian peninsula until he was killed in
battle in April 71 B.C.who led a slave revolt with an army numbering in the
tens of thousands. It happened in capua.
100-44B.C. julius caesar
he increases the jobs ing the city by makeing the
slave get jobs.
Marcus aurelius 121-180 A.D.
Rules 19 years. genius. addicted to opium and
study philosophy.
trajan Decius 249-261 A.D
trajan Decius was a roman emperor. He commanded legion
56-50 A.D many romans believe he started the great fire of rome. He burned christians in his yard. He killed him self